HSF 15: Challenge #4 War and Peace

Coif: designed to protect the soldier from blows to the headSAM_0005

The Challenge: war and peace

Fabric: n/a

Pattern: self drafted and using the 4 in 1 weave pattern common in Europe

Year: common in the middle ages

Notions: 2 lbs of 16 gauge ¼” aluminum jump rings, two pairs of pliers, gloves

How historically accurate is it?: 40%. I did not rivet the joins in all of the rings which would have been needed to support the weight of STEEL rings and the force of battle weapons deployed to the head. I did not rivet them because I used cheaper and lighter weight aluminum-not steel, I have no idea how, and I hope no one will be whacking my kid in the head with medieval weaponry.

Hours to complete: 90-100

First worn: for the photo. It is to be a gift for my son and I hope he will wear it one day.SAM_0003

Total cost: with shipping…@ $90

6 thoughts on “HSF 15: Challenge #4 War and Peace

  1. Shirley A. Victorian says:

    Well done. Looks great. He is going to love it!!!!!

  2. severn14 says:

    Wow! That’s amazing!

  3. Isabella says:

    Very well done!

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