HSF ’14: Challenge 18

I haven’t missed a challenge yet but I really had to stretch the definitions of the challenge to be able to submit something for this one!Cats Paw

What the item is: modern day scarf (I decided this wasn’t a total cheat as later on we will be doing a challenge that is adapting historical pieces for modern wear….I told you I was stretching this one a bit!)

The Challenge: Poetry in Motion

The poem: Fog 1916

THE fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

Fabric: acrylic wool

Pattern: cats paw stitch which I believe is a Shetland Island stitch. Shetland knitting has been around for hundreds of years but I could not find a reference for how old this particular stitch might be.

Year: n/a

Notions: knitting needles

How historically accurate is it? It isn’t intended to be historical so 0%

Hours to complete: @15

First worn: not yet. Will probably be donated to charity

Total cost: 0. Wool was given to me.


3 thoughts on “HSF ’14: Challenge 18

  1. […] last submission that came with a post was #18 poetry in motion.  It was completed a couple of months past the loss in my family but it was very soft and somewhat […]

  2. Kloe says:

    I am in the middle of this pattern. How do you stop it from curling in on itself?

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